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How to create a simple 5 step self-care ritual
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2/11/20252 min read

How to create a simple 5 step self-care ritual
Are you one of those who say, ‘I just can't find the time’? This is by far one of the most common excuses for avoiding self-care. It means that you are not important to yourself.
Everyone has that little desire to indulge in something they absolutely love. Well, that is exactly what self-care is all about. So, how do we go about it? Let's explore.
Step 1. What does self-care mean to you?
Each one’s life is different. The idea of self-care might differ from one person to the other. But, the goal is the same. I have made some pointers. They will help in streamlining your goal.
Do I like to pamper myself?
Do I like some ‘me’ time?
Does the thought of self-care relax me?
Do I look forward to my self-care routine?
Step 2. Create a warm and relaxed nook
Surround your space with things that bring you peace and joy.
A gentle wind chime with soft tingling music.
Essential oils in your bath. My favorite is Lavender and Patchouli. An oil diffuser in the room is also a good idea to let the calming aroma waft around.
Books that you have been wanting to read but never could find time for
Add indoor potted plants. The color green is calming. My favorites are Golden Pothos and Spider Plant.
Include soft soothing music into your self-care routine.
Step 3. Make self-care a habit
Remember you are valuable to your family and your workplace. We tend to prioritize everything else but us. As someone rightly said ‘A happy woman makes a happy family’. It all begins with the idea of giving yourself importance.
Fix a time of the day or week when you would like to take care of yourself.
Try to stick to your self-care routine. There is no hard and fast rule.
Morning self-care ritual- Go for a morning walk. Breathe in the fresh crisp air. Sit down in a cross-legged position and meditate. Do light stretching exercises or yoga. Enjoy a cup of hot herbal tea.
Evening self-care ritual- Enjoy a warm bath. Read a book. Switch off your devices like your phone, laptop, or tab at least 30 minutes before sleep.
Follow a skincare routine
Try to cook something. Trust me, it can be fun and a learning experience.
Step 4. Pray and talk to family
Each day is unique. What seems like a challenge today, will be an important life lesson for the future.
Be thankful to the maker. Express gratitude.
We are always expecting something from our parents. They have done what they could. In ways, they knew best. Learn to empathize.
Family provides unconditional love and support. Listen to them. They mean the best for you.
Step 5 Get rid of the guilt
It is alright to take care of yourself. As women, we are wired to feel guilty if we think about ourselves.
Realize that a well-rested and calm woman is more creative and productive.
A regular self-care routine brings discipline.
Confidence level increases as it improves your overall well-being.
Final Thoughts
Sincerity in your belief is important. No one knows you better than you do. Keep your self-care routine simple. Make a schedule that benefits you and can easily be followed.
Go ahead and enjoy your time with yourself. Let us know how you did. In the comment section below.