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How to use Ayurvedic Herbs in Daily Life
Ayurvedic herbs are a natural and effective way to enhance holistic well-being. The best herbs to begin with are 1. Turmeric 2. Amla 3. Ashwagandha 4. Tulsi {Holy Basil}
2/25/20255 min read

The role of herbs in Ayurveda
Sometimes, I think it is fascinating to look back and see how I have grown up using herbs so effortlessly all my life. Interestingly, it has survived the test of time in the ever-changing world. Ayurveda has been around for thousands of years.
The ancient Ayurveda texts mention herbs in great detail, emphasizing prevention rather than cure through food, lifestyle, and natural herbs. They help us become a healthier, happier, and better version of ourselves.
Ayurvedic herbs are a natural and effective way to enhance holistic well-being. As we delve deeper into the knowledge of Ayurveda, I will share with you, why we say
‘Let food be your medicine’.
Here I will be talking about 4 amazing herbs that we must absolutely include in our lives for the overall well-being, of us and our families.

Turmeric has been used widely in the South Asian community. In India, we have used turmeric for everyday cooking, beauty, religious functions, weddings, and ritualistic bathing. As a child, I was given milk and turmeric baths during holidays. So, let’s talk about the benefits of turmeric
For Skin – Turmeric is an antiseptic. It helps you get rid of skin irritations, bug/mosquito bite rash, acne, pimples, or any unsightly mark on your skin.
For Face Glow – Use it as a face mask mix along with some milk and sandalwood powder. Brighten complexion and provide a natural glow. More on this later.
For Body Scrubs – Use a pinch of turmeric in a homemade body scrub with oats and orange peel powder. It helps in skin lightening and tanning.
Antioxidant – Reduces oxidative stress, and free radicals, reducing fine lines and wrinkles. As a spice, use it sparingly in curries, soups, and lentils. A pinch of turmeric goes a long way
Anti-inflammatory – Reduces aches and pains helping us live active lives. ‘Golden Milk’ or turmeric milk induces peaceful sleep, boosts the immune system, and reduces inflammation.

Amla { Indian GooseBerry }
The benefits of Amla are manifold. Although it is a native of the Indian subcontinent, today it is available all over the world. In India, we have been using it for both health and beauty. Loaded with antioxidant benefits and enriched with Vitamin C.
The best way to use Amla is to keep a bottle on your dining table. So that it is never forgotten and every member of the family consumes it. Doesn’t matter whether it is in the form of power, jam, or supplement. This is what I have been doing for many years now.
Detox – Naturally detoxifies, and enhances digestion. Chyawanprash is a popular amla jam. Ideally consumed with milk.
Weight Loss – Improved digestion and a powerful metabolism help in reducing weight naturally. You can make a drink by mixing amla powder with warm water. If you are lucky, you will get fresh amla fruit in Indian Grocery stores. I prefer to make amla chutney with fresh amla. If I am lucky, I get fresh amla sometimes at my local grocer here in Toronto
Resistant to Cold and Flu – Enhance immunity. The goodness of Vitamin C helps to keep cough cold and fever symptoms away. Amla supplements are a good way to intake some goodness in, if you are always on the go.
Hair mask – Applying amla with Reetha {soapnut} and Shikakai {soap pod} reduces hair fall and dandruff. It can also be applied with Heena, giving natural shine, and texture to your hair while reducing greying.
Anti-Aging – Amla delays the process of aging skin, given its anti-aging properties. Reduces hyperpigmentation and improves skin tone.

Ashwagandha is also known as Indian Ginseng. It possesses the unique ability to enhance physical as well as mental wellness. Stress levels are high in almost everyone's life these days. I guess that is one of the reasons for Ashwagandha to gain prominence in the wellness world.
Sound sleep – Regular intake of ashwagandha improves sleep quality. This is an important step in attaining good health. A restful night gives time to the body to repair and rejuvenate your system. You could take it as a supplement at bedtime.
Relieves Stress and Anxiety – Ashwagandha is known to reduce cortisol levels that cause stress anxiety and depression. It is an effective remedy for people dealing with mental health challenges. Improve emotional well-being. Consume it with warm milk or put some ashwagandha powder in your turmeric latte for enhanced benefit.
Strength and Vitality – Ashwagandha is known to improve physical strength and endurance. While enhancing focus and concentration. Making it a favorite amongst fitness and sports enthusiasts.
If you are a beginner, take ashwagandha in small quantities. Increase your dosage slowly as your body adapts to it.

Tulsi {Holy Basil}
Did you know that every part of the Tulsi plant has medicinal properties? Well, it is true, that from root to the seed, each part is used for some purpose. Also, it is one of those rare plants that produces oxygen even at night. Probably that is the reason it has been revered since ancient times. Most Indian homes have a Tulsi plant in the courtyard.
As kids, we were told to chew a few Tulsi leaves, to avoid cold and flu. The elders would however prefer a Tusli ginger tea.
Breathe easy – Anti-microbial properties of Tulsi, relieve congestion and sore throat. The best way to have it is as tea. Either use Tulsi tea bags or, buy loose dried leaves and make tea at home.
Fun Fact: It can be easily grown at home in your backyard or in a small pot.
Stress and Anxiety Buster – Tulsi has a calming effect on your mind. It reduces stress and improves overall well-being. There can be varied ways to use Tulsi. You could sprinkle it on your pasta, salads, and soups.
Refreshing- The refreshing aroma while brewing Tulsi tea, rejuvenates, bringing peace to body mind, and soul.
Skin Tonic – Tusli can help treat fungal infections of your skin. Make a paste of Tulsi leaves, and use it as a poultice on affected areas.
Do’s and Dont’s:
Always consult a professional before beginning your Ayurvedic herbal journey. Be mindful of the recommended dosage. Always buy good quality ethically sourced products.
My thoughts
Ayurvedic practice in a natural preventive health journey. It is not an overnight miracle cure. A consistent approach to well-being will bring long-term benefits. It does not have to be overwhelming. Start slow and start small. Maybe a small cup of Tulsi tea every day. Hope you enjoy your Ayurveda journey.
Let me know in the comment section below if you need further help, tips, or recipes, to blend Ayurveda effectively into your daily routine.